Saturday, June 14, 2008


On Saturday I went to Lo-Profile where I met a man I'd met about 3 times before, after he didn't remember me, I proceeded to list the times we'd met - I don't know how he felt, but I do remember the way my friend felt when the same thing happened to him.

My friend was called out to by a man at a Terrance Higgin's cocktail evevning, who said that they'd met about five times. My friend reacted quite strangely, rather than being apologetic about the "forgetting" he was more angry that the man had either:
Pointed out his faulty memory
Announced it loud enough for people to hear.

In the gay world I'm not sure which is worse, but my friend took it pretty hard and had to have a few more cocktails to overcome the experience!

In our species wide urge to be different, unique, individual, memorable, we find it hard to accept that we could be forgotten, yet how long do we have to push ourselves before we are rememberd? What does the rememberance gain us? Long gone are the times of Merlin, where people are legendary - that should be left to the celebrities of today - why don't we just try and focus on remembering our friends rather than ourselves?

Listening to: Deepgroove - Jus Luv Bass

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